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Illusions and Witchcraft is a story that follows two special girls with magical abilities that they must hide from the rest of the world. Despite both being magical, Magician Alex Azam and Witch Abi Cadabra don't quite get along, and their feud ends up turning a squabble at the school library into a terrible accident that could expose the both of them. Will the two be able to put aside their differences in order to save themselves, or will their secret powers finally be revealed to the rest of the world?
With the world becoming more and more divided, for a large variety of reasons, I wanted to tell a story to help show that we are more similar than we all think and that it is important to be able to come together through our similarities, as opposed to grow apart on account of our differences. I also wanted to tell a story in the realm of magic because I've always been fascinated by supernatural creatures and stories, magic included, so I wanted to tell a story using these elements, along with two characters I have been crafting for some time.
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